Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Man, honestly now im half drunk.
Thanks to Din, who bought a bottle of vodka just because its Hari Raya. He never fail to seize a opportunity to drink whenever there is a festive season. And we drink in RICETABLE, at workplace after work.
Ok, i had been driving Daniel's car since Saturday. He lend me me his car since his Dad went for a short trip overseas, so he drives his dad's and i drive... his... Save me the money of renting a car to cure my driving addiction, but i wouldnever leave grace for granted.
So, i blessed him with a full tank, and offered to wax and clear his car( which i thought was easy but took me near to a total of 4.5 hrs to do so). Just look at the perfect reflection surfaced by the metal after my sincere hardwork.

U can style ur hair like a mirror with this.
After effect.
Some time, how i wish GOD could be fairer with his people.
i look upon the "blessed" people around me. What a waste of opportunities sometime. Too bad i born from a background that starts out with almost nothing. I had to fight with life to get what i want.
Dan told me that made me different. Not very different though. Imagine there is 6 cars out there as a group together and you are the only one not driving but you got ur license earliest and you know ur skill is up to some competitive standard. That feeling really really suck. Especially when you are being pushed around when it comes to "they" sending you home. And never once had they remembered that you never urge a single complain when you used a rented car to send them home or here. Made me sometime really really reflect sometimes how selfish a man can be.
Proven time and time again, now i really feel i can make better use of these rewards then those out there taking blessings for granted.
Its all money that talks in this world. So ironic sometimes. What to do? Fate is sealed the moment you are born. Mine's is a warzone. In this world now, who cares if you got good character or principals? All is money and looks that decides. Undeniably true. The world had gotten to selfish and obessive of itself that it cared no other unless it has a "gainable" value. Hasn't it be???

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